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Indonesia Re-Release

This post only intends to re-publish the existence of Free WordPress Theme I made called Kwaku.
Given the existence of its own WP Theme originally Kwaku is for personal, there are several things that finally make some confused fellow. Hopefully this paper can be an answer.

WP Theme Kwaku, though can still use the sidebar widget, for that is for you to like or utak especial manually to add a blog function to sidebar.php respectively. So hope you understand, that if you add a widget that you end in the bottom position in your sidebar.
Free WordPress Themes Kwaku - Column 3 is very suitable for those of you who like to list memajang latest post from each category that you have created. In the default mode, the display sequence in the category you have Kwaku sidebar you can see on the left side of the screenshot.
Therefore, it is highly recommended, if you intend to use Kwaku v1.1, after you mengunduhnya, please open your sidebar.php and rename an existing category in accordance with the category name that is on your blog. Manualkan deliberately, so that you can give a different Title Menu of the categories listed in the theme discussion.
Header Logo
Indonesiakuv11.zip on the file you downloaded, also included in the file named image top2-master.png. Please open the file, and please to create a unique identity on your blog, and please you Rename the file name top2.png. You will be asked to replace me-file for it.
User Free WordPress Theme Kwaku First version I suggest is to re-download and replace it with Kwaku v1.1 you can download at the bottom of this post. Given that in the zip file Kwaku - 3 Column tools, too many things that you need to customize so that you can use (too many there, my identity, and that will make you lazy not to use it ???).
At Kwaku v.1.1, you can change the referral Mozilla Firefox logo in the footer section with your referral other property. For that, please open the file you firefox.php. Replace the entire contents of which are in the file with your new code.
Preview Demo
Kwaku change the view, you can see more details in the blog WordPress Tutorial English. Template that is used in word.press.web.id is exactly the same with Kwaku v.1.1.

free theme wordpress

Free Premium Wordpress Theme free wordpress theme aka the items that are sought by many colleagues blogger based WP. Post time is short it's me, just want to share information for colleagues who need premium wp themes like that.
Please type in the URL in the URL Address www.boygj.com your browser. I deliberately did not tautkan of this blog so that the popularity of blogs is not too mencuat, so I dikuatirkan berakibar too many people know so that ultimately the collection of premium templates that have to be so removed.
Wordpress theme so much that you can download here, including, among premium joomla templates, osCommerce Templates of premium, premium vBulletin Templates, etc.. Please check your own.


KabonFootprint 63

Some months ago I really had promised to release a new free wordpress theme called Red and White. Consequently, to the free wordpress theme is not here because I have provided the process is a process that does not kunjung me finish.
Instead, in order to commemorate the Year of Independence of Indonesia 63, for all I persembahkan wordpress Indonesia now, a wordpress theme called KabonFootprint 63.
KabonFootprint 63 derived from 2 words, namely "KabonFootprint" and "63". KabonFootprint word refers to the SEO contest Internasioanl currently follow me, now I use a domain with a colleague to me this race is www.lunnamaya.com and www.kabonfootprints.net. While the word "63" refers to the age of this beloved country Indonesia.
Here is a screenshot KabonFootprint 63:

While the view is in part as follows:

Now, this theme is still not perfect. Free WordPress Theme is still the version above 1.0b.Harap dimaklumi, I only do this 2 days later (chase the release date of August 17, 2008), and this is not full time.
Compatible Browser
KabonFootprint 63 v1.0b currently supporting a new browser: Mozilla Firefox 3.0, Netscape Navigator 9, Opera (still minor bug, I'll fix it soon). For users of Internet Explorer version 7.0, please be patient. Meanwhile, Internet users to Explrorer 6.0 I apologize as big as possible because this theme will never be a browser supporting the use of transparent is because the image. KabonFootprint PNG at 63, that is not capable disupport by Internet Explorer 6.0.
Widget Ready?
Sorry, the beta is not widget ready. Immediately after the final version releasenya I spend, the feature I enter akan widget.
You can see a live demo version on this blog KabonFootprint, www.kabonfootprintz.info or type in your browser.

download : KabonFootprint 63



download : topwpthemes


5 Blogging Plugins You Must Use

Plugins for the Wordpress platform are tons of fun and incredibly useful. You'll find everything you need to turn your blog into something amazing that is every bit as great as you would have imagined. While there are many plugins out there that are worth your while, the five that follow are the cream of the crop.

This plugin actually comes standard with your Wordpress installation. You will have to get a Wordpress.com API key to make it work, but after you do it's pure bliss. This will help keep spam comments away automatically! Akismet is smart enough to put suspected spam into a separate folder, and it even learns from you as you go. You should always activate this plugin for the best results with your blog. It saves you a ton of time too!

Related Posts
Linking to different pages in your blog from every page is a great search engine optimization tactic. The problem with blogs is that it can be so hard to dig through old posts that are related and manually link them in your new post. Related posts solves that problem! This will automatically insert some relevant posts for your blog. It's very hands-off and very effective. Both visitors and search engines love this plugin.

All in One SEO Pack
Once again, optimizing your site for the search engines is going to be one of the best ways you can make money with your blog. The higher you rank, the more traffic you recieve. The more traffic you receive, the more money you make! The All In One SEO pack makes your life easier because it allows you to specify the title, description (that will show up in the search engines), and keywords.

Wordpress Database Backup
Backing up your blog is crucial if you value your business. You never know what could happen to your server, and it would be awfully devastating to lose everything. You can easily back everything up by pressing a few simple buttons with this effective and very useful plugin.

Top Commentators
This plugin is greatly effective and it encourages a lot of interaction on your blog. It lists the people who have the most comments within your blog. They love this because they get the extra exposure. You love it because people really get into posting to try and be at the top. It also gives social proof. When people visit a blog for the first time they are more likely to stick around if there are clearly other people there who value your content. The fact that they can see others participating is a great thing.

There are an incredible number of different plugins out there that are ready for you to use. Install these essentials and you'll be well-prepared to become the great blogger you're going to become

SWOT Analysis

The Art of War is one of the oldest and most famous studies about strategy. It was written by Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, and below you will find one of the most important points on the book:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Having a clear understanding of both internal and external factors is essential for a successful strategy, be it military strategy, business strategy or blogging strategy. The SWOT analysis is a simple yet effective tool for understanding those factors. It will highlight the Strengths and Weaknesses (internal) as well as the Opportunities and Threats (external) for a certain company or project.

Strengths: the first step when performing the SWOT analysis is to define your strengths. If you are not sure about those, just ask yourself some questions, including: “What makes my blog unique?”, “What compliments have it received from readers?”�, “What articles were linked from other bloggers and why?”.

Example of blogging strengths:

* expertise around a certain topic
* web designing skills
* creativity or innovative ideas
* a network of influential people

Weaknesses: once identified the strengths you will list the weaknesses of your blog. Weaknesses can emerge from problems that you faced over the past, for instance if you messed your blog database and lost some data your programming skills could be considered a weakness. Alternatively you can also think about competencies or areas that could be improved.

Example of blogging weaknesses:

* lack of technical knowledge (i.e. html, PHP, databases)
* lack of blogging knowledge (i.e. pings, trackbacks)
* poor writing skills
* poor online marketing skills

Opportunities: after analysing the internal factors you will need to tap the external environment, which comprehends other bloggers, websites, readers and pretty much everything that is not under your control. Opportunities usually emerge from changes, therefore you need to pay attention to what could possibly change in the near future and how your blog could benefit from that.

Examples of blogging opportunities:

* joining a blog network
* joining an advertising network
* creating a new meme
* exploiting a new niche
* leveraging a new service

Threats: the final step on the SWOT analysis is the evaluation of possible threats. The threats can appear either from external changes or from internal weaknesses that have not been protected.

Examples of blogging threats:

* technical problems (i.e. server downtime, loss of data)
* your topic becomes obsolete
* SEO problems (i.e. Google drops your blog)
* lack of time to blog

The SWOT analysis will give you a clear understanding of the internal and external factors affecting your blog. Once the evaluation is performed you will be able to focus on your strengths, improve the weaknesses, benefit from external opportunities and protect yourself from possible threats.

Mission Statement

The starting point of every strategy is a mission statement and a vision about what you want to accomplish. One could argue that the objective of every company is to make profits, but profits and revenues are a performance metric rather than a mission.

A mission statement should be a clear and succinct representation of the overall purpose of an organization. Such statement motivates the founders and creates meaning around the code idea. Ford’s mission was to bring an automobile into every household while Google’s mission is to organize the worldwide information.

Why do a blog needs a mission statement? First and foremost because it will guide the author’s actions. Practically speaking it will help the author to define what he should write about, what he should not write about, where he should look for information, what kind of promotion techniques he should use and so forth.

Notice that most successful blogs have a very clear mission statement, even if not expressed in such terms:

Problogger.net - “Helping bloggers earn money”�
StevePavlina.com - “Personal Development for Smart People”
SEOmoz.org - “Making website owners rank better on search engines”
TechCrunch.com - “Obsessively profiling Web 2.0 companies”

Secondly having a clear vision about where you want to arrive will help you set reasonable goals and it will also facilitate to define “how”� you will arrive there. As Seneca, the Roman philosopher, once said: “When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.“


Titanium dioxide to degrade pentachlorophenol

Pentachlorophenol is a phenolic compound that was chlorinated. Pentachlorophenol very toxic for our breath, cause dermatitis on skin and more toxic than inorganic solvent.

Pentachlorophenol waste almost dissolvable in water so degradation process is very hard. Some ways have been done to solve biological waste problem, but not efficient enough. For example, active carbon just involve pollutant absorption without decomposition process. Chemical oxidation process can’t decomposition all of organic compound be carbon dioxide and water, and have been used in high concentration waste.

Many century ago, scientist success to describe phenomenon photocatalytic in surface of metal-oxide semiconductor. Firstly, have been issued by Renz in 1921 until 1960, and not responding by scientist. Photocatalytic semiconductor popularity increase since publication Akira Fujishima in Nature magazine was issued in 1972. He was reported decomposition water be oxygen and hydrogen used single crystal TiO2 with input UV light in low energy.

First research, TiO2 have been used as photocatalytic suspension system. Nowadays, the uses TiO2 as photocatalytic is used in thin plate shape, which is immobilization TiO2 to many kinds of supported material like fiber, glass, silica, and titanium plat.


This page is generously sponsored by the Indonesia Australia Language Foundation (IALF)

Based on the Malay trade dialect, Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. It unites the over 242 million people (2005 estimate) of Indonesia, whose native tongue may be one of the over 300 distinct languages or regional dialects. Older people......
Based on the Malay trade dialect, Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. It unites the over 242 million people (2005 estimate) of Indonesia, whose native tongue may be one of the over 300 distinct languages or regional dialects. Older people may speak some Dutch and English is the foreign language of choice for business, tourism and study.
While it may be technically possible for foreigners to live in Jakarta without learning/speaking Bahasa Indonesia, it is highly recommended that you obtain a working knowledge of the Indonesian national language. An inability to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia will cut you off from the mainstream of society, and dealing with those Indonesians who don't speak your foreign language will be very difficult. By not learning the language, you also deny yourself the rich cultural experience of fully communicating with those from another culture.
To get you started and introduce you to the Indonesian national language, are some basic phrases in Bahasa Indonesia.
Click on the link to the Indonesian phrase below to hear the phrases in Indonesian:

Good morning Selamat Pagi

Good mid-day Selamat siang

Good evening Selamat malam

Good-bye Selamat tinggal (if you're leaving)

Selamat jalan (to someone who is leaving you)

Thank you Terima kasih

You're welcome Kembali or sama-sama

How are you? Apa kabar?

Excuse me Permisi or maaf

Do you speak English? Bisa bicara Bahasa Inggris?

I don't speak Indonesian. Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia.

I don't understand. Saya tidak mengerti.

Requesting basic assistance:
Can you help me? Bisa bantu saya?

Where is the bathroom? Di mana kamar kecil?

Where is . . . Di mana . . .

How much is this? Berapa harganya ini?

I want this. Saya mau ini.

I want to eat. Saya mau makan.

Getting home:
My address is ... Alamat saya...

Please take me to ... Tolong, antar saya ke ...

[Download All Sound Clips (514 Kb)] This is a zipped file.

Learning Bahasa Indonesia
The best time to start learning Bahasa Indonesia is before you even make your move to Indonesia, however it may be difficult to find language materials in your home country. Ask your sponsoring company to help you obtain tapes and books several months before you move, so that you can start becoming used to the sound of the language and start familiarizing yourself with its structure and vocabulary.
Formal Courses
Soon after your arrival in Indonesia, make it a priority to register for a Bahasa Indonesia course. There are several excellent schools and community organizations in Jakarta (and other cities) which have comprehensive, structured programs to help you begin learning Indonesian. Learning Indonesian properly from the beginning can not be stressed enough.
Another advantage of signing up for a course is that it's a great place to meet other newcomers and make friends. The people that you will be taking the course with will also be facing many of the settling in and adjustments challenges that you too face as a newcomer.
Several schools offer intensive programs, in Bali or Yogyakarta, where you can study for the full day and have some enjoyable cultural experiences as well.
Others opt for private lessons in their home or office from private tutors. This option tends to be the most expensive, and there is little control over the quality of the curriculum and instruction. Even though the tutor may come highly recommended from other expats, that does not ensure the quality of their instruction. You may, however, find it useful to meet with a tutor for a period after you have completed several levels of a formal course. That way they can help you with any special problems or requirements you may have.
Self-Taught Bahasa Indonesia
Some expats opt to learn Bahasa Indonesia on their own. Excellent books to learn Bahasa Indonesia are available in bookstores in the major cities. Once you are in Indonesia, practice your fledgling Indonesian with your household staff, driver, vendors, people you meet in the stores, and social encounters. The diligent will quickly pick up enough Bahasa Indonesia to feel comfortable interacting with Indonesians on a daily basis.
Pen Pals and Indonesian Friends
True fluency in a language requires active use of the language. Many expats find it helpful to get a pen pal or have a "language buddy" relationship with an Indonesian where you help each other to learn a desired language by sharing your skills. This can be as simple as setting up a time to meet once or twice a week where you focus on learning language and developing a friendship over coffee or email each other any questions you have about the language.
Many Indonesians want to learn English, or French, or German ... so if you want to learn Bahasa Indonesia, offer to "trade" skills by investing time in each other's language studies. Obviously you can pay a private tutor to do the same thing, but this type of a relationship is based on mutual benefit and doesn't involve payment. One time you focus on helping the expat to learn Indonesian, and the next time you meet you focus on helping the Indonesian to learn the foreign language.
Two great places to chat with Indonesians wanting to learn English or to find an Indonesian pen pal is on the Living in Indonesia Expat Forum or the Kangguru Radio English Forum.
Other Articles on Learning Indonesian:
• Tips on Effective Ways to Study Bahasa Indonesia
• Faux Pas and other Bahasa Bloopers: Having Fun while Learning Bahasa Indonesia
• Great article which emphasizes the importance of learning Bahasa Indonesia to Build Teamwork between Expatriate and Indonesian business managers
• Questionable Marketing Strategies - Signs in Bahasa Indonesia
• Using the international alphabet to avoid bahasa bloopers
• Indonesian Words and Phrases - an AWA pocket guide to the specific language needed for living in Indonesia as an expatriate
• Fun with Acronyms - some Indonesian and some not!
• Links to Other Sites on Bahasa Indonesia
(Source : http://www.expat.or.id/info/bahasa.html)



ECOVS is The Community that build in SMKN 1 PURWAKARTA, it is only used for the Student who wants be able to speak English well, by trying hard and having a big desire.

ECOVS born in 2008, we cause ECOVS as Community that can be the best place for Talented Students. Beside that ECOVS as a Communication Forum in School Environment, teacher and student can discuss each other, about the politics, economic, social n cultures, exactly the latest news around the world.

We recommend this community can make all students feel so enjoy without boring, because we always try to make them happy. In SMKN 1 PURWAKARTA as base camp of Community is very beautiful place, so far from the road way, so fresh to refresh the mind, etc. Therefore SMKN 1 PURWAKARTA is made as base camp of Community.

About Learning

Maybe you are so upset about Learning English in ECOVS??? No Problem, because We do not carry you like in a classroom, Studying with a Teacher, Learning about the Grammar or so on that make you feel boring. In this Community, you should not think that you are in a classroom. Feel enjoy without scary. Because we mean helping you to be able to speak English.

Here you will be taught some programs beside grammar :

1. Speech
2. Conversation
3. Reading
4. Listening
5. Build the mentally
6. behave good attitude
7. etc

Now you have understood, haven’t u?

And the last one, Please remember!!!

ECOVS builds for A3:

1. Art
2. Ability Communication
3. Attitude in Socialization



It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of setting goals, both personally and professionally. Goals help organizations and individuals to focus their energy and to define priorities. Secondly goals also monitor the performance of certain activities, making it possible to revise and adapt the overall strategy along the way.

On the previous post of this series (read here) we talked about the mission statement and the vision. Apart from the vision, which can be seen as the ultimate goal, any company or project will also need smaller goals to guide the day to day decisions.

Suppose you have a blog about weight-loss. Your vision is to become the most popular weight-loss blog on the entire Internet. That is the ultimate goal, but you know that you will not achieve it overnight therefore you will need medium-term and short-term goals. The medium-term goal could be to hit the mark of 5000 RSS subscriber within 2 years, while the short-term goal could be to increase the blog traffic by 20% every month.

Once you have a set of goals in place it will be much easier to coordinate your actions, for example in order to achieve the short-term goal of increasing traffic by 20% every month you could commit yourself to comment on 5 new blogs every day.

Bear in mind, however, that you should follow some guidelines when setting goals, such as:

Goals must be measurable: Your goal for this year could be “I want to improve my blog in 2007 and make it very popular”�. That is for sure a nice goal, but how are you going to know whether you accomplished it or not by the end of the year? Goals must be measurable so that you can track performance and be sure about whether you are hitting them or not. Use numbers, percentages, time frames and so on.

Goals should be realistic: If you are just starting out with a blog it would be really cool to to setup a goal like the following “Within six months I want to be receiving 10,000 unique visitors daily and generating $5,000 in Adsense revenues”. It would be cool but useless. Goals must be realistic and achievable, otherwise they will discourage rather than motivate you. Do not worry about stretching it a little bit, just make sure that you are not overshooting.

Goals must be consistent: You must not only believe that you will be able to achieve the goals, but you must also believe that they are important in your life and that they are not conflicting with other values. If you have a full-time job and a family to care it would make little sense to set a goal like “to blog at least 6 hours daily”�.

As a blogger there are several parameters that you can use to set goals, including:

* traffic
* RSS subscribers
* number of comments per post/week
* number of pages viewed by each visitor
* Alexa rank
* Technorati rank
* revenues generated
* search engine rank positions
* popularity on social bookmarking sites (i.e. Digg)
* popularity on online communities (i.e. MyBlogLog)

Finally, make sure that you record your goals, either on paper on by publishing them on your blog. The mere act of recording the goals will reinforce them on your head and motivate you to start acting immediately.



A couple of days ago I was thinking: “There are web designers who blog and give great advice about how to design a website. There are programmers who can certainly help people to fix codes or to implement scripts. I am no professional designer or programmer, but there must be something valuable that I can share coming from my own background.”

What is my background you might ask? In 2005 I received a degree in International Economics with a minor in Business Strategy, and I have also worked for a large multinational company inside the Marketing and Business Development department.

After reflecting upon the mentioned question I realized that blogging could borrow many principles from management and business strategy. A blog, after all, can be perfectly compared to a business entity. It has managers (authors), inputs (ideas and information), outputs (posts and articles), clients (readers), competitors (bloggers or other websites on the same niche), partners (blog networks, friends), performance indicators (traffic, RSS subscribers, incoming links) and so on.

Considering all those similarities I decided to write a series of posts called”Blogging Strategy”�, with the objective of applying some important business strategy concepts to blogging. Whether your goal is to make a living from blogging or simply to share your ideas, there is no reason why you should not do it strategically!


How’s important English??

English today is very important in communication. Everyone should be able to speak and communicate in English. Indonesian, Malayan, Arabian etc when They are meeting in a forum, They will use English to communicate each other.

Purwakarta is the little town that lies between Jakarta and Bandung. And also as Industrial City in West Jawa, where the Investor come to invest their money here. No Doubt between us and the Investor, if we can follow up them and we can promote our city well. But, what should we do if we can’t communicate English??

Will They Understand Indonesian or Sundanese?

Sure, They do not Understand Indonesian or Sundanese!!!

Therefore we should use English in communication by foreign person who come here. Such as Investor, tourist, etc.
And you should know that so many advantages if you can understand English!!!!